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Bradleya Layout/design

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:38 am
by Bill
As a result of necessary changes in our printing arrangements, the Trustees have agreed that the future design and layout of Bradleya, previously carried out by the printers, should be contracted out as a separate job.  

We therefore invite any BCSS Members who have the appropriate knowledge and skills to make contact to express an interest in taking on this contract, for which payment will be made.  The basic requirements, of which evidence should be supplied, are:-

*    Advanced skills in the design and layout of similar publications in QuarkXpress or InDesign, from text files and pictures, through production of proofs for checking and correction, to production of printers' files and liaison with printers.
*    Ability to work to high standards, adhere to defined formats and produce finished work on schedule.
*    A very high standard of literacy and ability to detect errors including grammar and spelling.
*    A detailed knowledge of cacti and succulents and plant naming standards.
*    An ability to develop and maintain a close working relationship with the Editor of Bradleya.

The closing date for enquiries is Friday 17 June 2011.

For further information or to express an interest, please contact David Quail, Journal Production Officer.

Telephone: 01535 273615   Email: