When you register on the Forum, your account requires to be approved by an admin before you will be able to post.
In order to try and keep the Forum a safe place for BCSS Members and other cacti and succulent enthusiasts of all ages, everyone who registers is checked. If you are a BCSS Member and include your membership number, this is easy, because we can just look you up in the database. If you are not a BCSS Member, then we rely on the data you provide. If we can't find any traces by a brief online search, your account will be placed "on hold" until you get in touch with us by email and ask for Forum account approval.

If you registered a while back and still haven't been approved, please drop an email to forum@bcss(etc) using the same email account you put in your Forum registration, giving your name, the Forum username you selected, and a sentence about your interest in cacti and succulents.
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