Havering branch Re-launching

For the discussion of topics related to the conservation, cultivation, propagation and exhibition of cacti & other succulents.
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For the discussion of topics related to the conservation, cultivation, propagation, exhibition & science of cacti & other succulents only.

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Cactus Kid
BCSS Member
Posts: 703
Joined: 10 Apr 2007
Country: uk
Role within the BCSS: Branch Show
Location: Dagenham, Essex U.K..

Havering branch Re-launching

Post by Cactus Kid »

The Havering branch is re-launching itself on Saturday September 18th with a couple of fantastic speakers and plant sales.
We are delighted to have ‘The Master Grower’ of Haworthias, Stirling Baker, showing us some of his newer acquisitions and bringing along some choice plants for sale. This will be followed by Eddy Harris, one of the most experienced growers of Mesembs in the country, with a presentation on ‘Looking for plants in South Africa’
On October 16th we are delighted to have Stuart Riley back with his very latest ‘What’s new’ talk. Always an occasion not to be missed.
He will also be bringing a wonderful array of high quality plants for sale.
In November we have a brand new speaker to our branch. Craig Thompson (of Xerofolia fame) will be giving us ‘An introduction to Aloes and their cultivation’
Once again there will be plants for sale, as Craig is an avid seed raiser of sometimes difficult to find species. I am sure he will also be bringing some of his own wonderfully unique hybrids.
Certainly a night to look forward to.
Our meetings are returning to our preferred venue at the Holy Cross Church, 260 Hornchurch Rd, Hornchurch RM11 1PX. Doors open from 7.00pm

All visitors will be very welcome. Hope to see you there.
Joined Havering branch 2006, although have been growing on and off since the age of ten!
Have a large balanced collection of both cacti and succulents but enjoy growing cristate, monstrose and generally anything a bit weird!
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