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June 2017 - Genus of the Month - Anacampseros/Avonia

January 2017 - Genus of the Month - Lepismium
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Tony R
Posts: 4099
Joined: 20 Apr 2009
Country: UK
Role within the BCSS: Forum Moderator
Location: Hartley, LONGFIELD, Kent

June 2017 - Genus of the Month - Anacampseros/Avonia

Post by Tony R »

Here it is, since BCSS Plant of the Month is http://www.society.bcss.org.uk/index.php/june-2017.html
Tony Roberts
Treasurer, Haworthia Society
Chairman, Tephrocactus Study Group
Moderator, BCSS Forum
(Gasteria, Mammillaria, small Opuntia, Cleistocactus and Sempervivum are my current special interests)
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