Another small greenhouse

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Another small greenhouse

Post by Trilobite56 »

Got her back in 2021 and has been been varying degrees of crammed for most of the time since. That said I think i may be reaching actual critical mass this year... (apologies for terrible potato phone quality)
Looking in
Looking in
A pretty tight fit but i've learned some yoga poses to make general maintenance easier
A pretty tight fit but i've learned some yoga poses to make general maintenance easier
South facing side
South facing side
Shadiest area, also the only place cuttings can feasibly go to stay "dry"
Shadiest area, also the only place cuttings can feasibly go to stay "dry"
Overspill area, stays moister also.
Overspill area, stays moister also.
This seems to be one of the nicest areas to be and competetion is fierce
This seems to be one of the nicest areas to be and competetion is fierce
Also kind of plush and not too extreme, though the sun from the side can get really hot.
Also kind of plush and not too extreme, though the sun from the side can get really hot.
Some lovely babes
Some lovely babes
My precious(es)
My precious(es)
Grateful for all the hot air getting blown out I hope
Grateful for all the hot air getting blown out I hope
Theres a second larger bit of outdoor staging to the left of the greenhouse but no recent photos so this will do for now. Thank you for coming on my very brisk and cramped tour.
I really need more space!
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Re: Another small greenhouse

Post by rodsmith »

You're definitely crammed in but what an eclectic mix of plants.
Rod Smith

Growing a mixed collection of cacti & other succulents; mainly smaller species with a current emphasis on lithops & conophytum.
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Re: Another small greenhouse

Post by ianstrutt »

Looking good (if a bit cramped!)

Some of those euphorbias are stunners - where on earth did you get them from?!
Growing in Nottingham for the past 4 years and recently found my way to a Nottingham branch meeting. A few plants on a windowsill has very quickly turned into a greenhouse full!

Attempting to grow a range of turbinicarpus, coryphantha, escobaria and several other cactus genera. Tylecodons, pelargoniums and conophytums keep me occupied in the winter and an ever expanding number of gasteria live under the bench.
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Re: Another small greenhouse

Post by Trilobite »

Thanks Rod, yes my exploratory phase was fairly unrestrained and initially was growing alot of crassulaceae and having my mind blown every day by new plants in other families and genera. They still remain (mostly outdoors). I seem to have found a groove over the last year and a bit with Euphorbia generally and more specifically am really enthralled with Malagasy flora.

Ian thank you! I am very proud of them. I had a fair few of the more ubiquitous succulent euphorbs in my "early days" but after stumbling on E bupleurifolia articles and photography I fell head over heels and interest exploded in the entire family. It took me some searching but almost everything came from the e.u and u.k ebayers. Bupleurifolia in particular was very tricky to find (I think growers must like to keep it close to their chest and rarely sell more than one in a while) but I've had good success with it and it's still my favourite. I'm really aiming at providing seed sources in the future for us in the u.k for many of the plants that seem so very rare. Also I need to fix my camera to do some better photoshoots for my lovelies going forward 😊
Last edited by Trilobite on Fri Jul 14, 2023 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another small greenhouse

Post by Tina »

Looks really good, love the euphorbia & well done on growing them, they are my 'problem plant' & bi- annual for me :oops: .

varied collection of succulents and cacti but I especially like Euphorbia's, Ariocarpus and variegated agaves.

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