Message on behalf of Ian Priestley:
This event will take place on Saturday 2nd November by invitation only in Milton Keynes.
Please see below for full details and how to register your interest.
Thank you.
Auction and Sale Of PLANTS From the Collection Of the late Dr Roland Tebbenham – ex Northampton & Milton Keynes Branch BCSS
Arrangements are in hand to dispose of the collection of Cacti & Succulent plants from the collection of the late Dr. Roland Tebbenham.
• There are a sizeable number of very unusual plants in this mixed collection, which Roland had been growing for over 40 Years.
• A list of all his plants is being compiled and will be available/forwarded once your interest is registered.
• At this time, a number of his plants (80-100 or so) will be selected for sale by AUCTION, all others will be offered for general sale on the day of the sale.
• Separately to the Auction, we will have a Sales Table for Lithops (100 + plants) and Mesems (approx. 50 plants).
• A second Sales Table will hold approximately 130 of Roland’s cacti and succulents.
THE SALE will take place by invitation only at Giffard Park Primary School, Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY on SATURDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2024.
Viewing of Auction Items and the Plant Sales will commence at 09.00am. The Auction will commence at 11.00am
Please contact either Ian Priestley [email protected] or Barry Tibbetts [email protected] to firstly register your interest.
You will then be provided with a Full Listing of all the plants, currently held in Roland’s collection, (excluding his Lithops and Mesems), together with all of his available provenance data, collated by individual plant.
As above, certain of Roland’s plants are presently being considered/ selected for sale by Auction. A separate List of all Auction items will be available/offered shortly, and will be provided to all those who have registered with us, in plenty of time for the Auction/Sale Day
ALL PLANTS WILL BE OFFERED AS SEEN, note some botanical names may not be correct.
Additional Details of timings and all arrangements, on the day, will be supplied to all who confirm their intention to attend. Any further arrangements for the event itself, will also be provided to attendees, on that day.
All persons attending do so at their own risk although all reasonable care will be taken.
All purchases MUST be paid for and removed on the day of the sale. Suitable arrangements will be made for their collection.
There is controlled parking within the school premises. Guidance on parking for the event, available facilities, outline schedule, etc. will be supplied with the Full Listing of Roland’s plants.
Thank you
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In order to try and keep the Forum a safe place for BCSS Members and other cacti and succulent enthusiasts of all ages, everyone who registers is checked. If you are a BCSS Member and include your membership number, this is easy, because we can just look you up in the database. If you are not a BCSS Member, then we rely on the data you provide. If we can't find any traces by a brief online search, your account will be placed "on hold" until you get in touch with us by email and ask for Forum account approval.
If you registered a while back and still haven't been approved, please drop an email to forum@bcss(etc) using the same email account you put in your Forum registration, giving your name, the Forum username you selected, and a sentence about your interest in cacti and succulents.
In order to try and keep the Forum a safe place for BCSS Members and other cacti and succulent enthusiasts of all ages, everyone who registers is checked. If you are a BCSS Member and include your membership number, this is easy, because we can just look you up in the database. If you are not a BCSS Member, then we rely on the data you provide. If we can't find any traces by a brief online search, your account will be placed "on hold" until you get in touch with us by email and ask for Forum account approval.
If you registered a while back and still haven't been approved, please drop an email to forum@bcss(etc) using the same email account you put in your Forum registration, giving your name, the Forum username you selected, and a sentence about your interest in cacti and succulents.
2nd November - Sale and Auction of Roland Tebbenham's plants
- Tony R
- Moderator
- Posts: 4103
- Joined: 20 Apr 2009
- Branch: BROMLEY
- Country: UK
- Role within the BCSS: Forum Moderator
- Location: Hartley, LONGFIELD, Kent
2nd November - Sale and Auction of Roland Tebbenham's plants
Tony Roberts
Treasurer, Haworthia Society
Chairman, Tephrocactus Study Group
Moderator, BCSS Forum
(Gasteria, Mammillaria, small Opuntia, Cleistocactus and Sempervivum are my current special interests)
Treasurer, Haworthia Society
Chairman, Tephrocactus Study Group
Moderator, BCSS Forum
(Gasteria, Mammillaria, small Opuntia, Cleistocactus and Sempervivum are my current special interests)