When you register on the Forum, your account requires to be approved by an admin before you will be able to post.
In order to try and keep the Forum a safe place for BCSS Members and other cacti and succulent enthusiasts of all ages, everyone who registers is checked. If you are a BCSS Member and include your membership number, this is easy, because we can just look you up in the database. If you are not a BCSS Member, then we rely on the data you provide. If we can't find any traces by a brief online search, your account will be placed "on hold" until you get in touch with us by email and ask for Forum account approval.

If you registered a while back and still haven't been approved, please drop an email to forum@bcss(etc) using the same email account you put in your Forum registration, giving your name, the Forum username you selected, and a sentence about your interest in cacti and succulents.

Important! Please read- Forum security

For the discussion of topics related to the conservation, cultivation, propagation and exhibition of cacti & other succulents.
Forum rules
For the discussion of topics related to the conservation, cultivation, propagation, exhibition & science of cacti & other succulents only.

Please respect all forum members opinions and if you can't make a civil reply, don't reply!
BCSS Forum Administrator
Posts: 120
Joined: 09 Apr 2019

Important! Please read- Forum security

Post by Admin »

Important! Please read, this concerns You.

As you may have heard in the news, there have been online attacks on websites of all types, which is nothing new, but the volume of these and the variety is new. One way for a hacker to get into the system is to upload a malicious file to the Forum, the same way that any of us upload a picture or a document. Any type of file can be infected.

I have been going through the Forum with a fine-tooth comb looking for any possible ways someone with bad intentions could cause trouble. Our I.T. advisor discovered a malicious file which had been uploaded (I presume unintentionally) by one of our members. This has now been removed from the database, but there may be more. A small number of other attachment files have also been deleted as these were flagged as potentially dangerous. At the time of writing there are 74,633 attachments in the Forum so it is not an easy task.

Important Bit!

Certain types of files are more potentially dangerous than others. I intend to remove all attachment files of certain types from the Forum, which have been freely allowed in the past: word documents, spreadsheets, odx, txt or csv files, movie files, pdfs, zips and files which are unidentified. Mainly, these are hidden from public view inside personal message inboxes, and some have even been sitting there for more than 15 years. If your pm inbox contains any file attachments that are not images, and you want to keep them, please download them to your own computers and remove them from your Forum inbox, before they are deleted automatically.

Images will mostly be left where they are unless our virus / malware software identifies them as dangerous.
