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October 2024 - the plant you have had for the longest time

May 2017 - May Blossom
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Re: October - the plant you have had for the longest time

Post by ianstrutt »

The plant I’ve had the had the longest is this gasteria armstrongii, which eBay tells me I purchased for £3.70 in June 2019. I’ve actually got a screenshot of the eBay listing, an update from Jan 2021 and then the plant today. It got a bit of cold damage a few years ago but remains one of my favourites. I noticed it’s offsetting for the first time yesterday, which is nice.

Might be ugly to some, but it’s one of my favourites.
IMG_2734.jpeg (38.46 KiB) Viewed 563 times
Growing in Nottingham for the past 4 years and recently found my way to a Nottingham branch meeting. A few plants on a windowsill has very quickly turned into a greenhouse full!

Attempting to grow a range of turbinicarpus, coryphantha, escobaria and several other cactus genera. Tylecodons, pelargoniums and conophytums keep me occupied in the winter and an ever expanding number of gasteria live under the bench.
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Re: October - the plant you have had for the longest time

Post by Tina »

WHO was supposed to be deciding this ??

varied collection of succulents and cacti but I especially like Euphorbia's, Ariocarpus and variegated agaves.

Bucks, UK
Branch co-ordinator, Northants & MK BCSS https://northants.bcss.org.uk
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Paul in Essex
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Re: October - the plant you have had for the longest time

Post by Paul in Essex »

Ooops. Me. :oops: Late in, late out.

I choose Tony's plant. The picture captures it in full flower, plus the detailed backstory help nudge the entry over the line.

Exotic garden design.
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Tony R
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Re: October - the plant you have had for the longest time

Post by Tony R »

Thanks, Paul.
I'll post the November topic tomorrow.
Tony Roberts
Treasurer, Haworthia Society
Chairman, Tephrocactus Study Group
Moderator, BCSS Forum
(Gasteria, Mammillaria, small Opuntia, Cleistocactus and Sempervivum are my current special interests)
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