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Judging the American way!

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Judging the American way!

Post by DaveW »

Many will know the Cactus & Succulent judging is different in America since I don't think they have Judges Courses like the UK. Also often to us seem to place more value on expensive containers than the plants inside.

Anyway a Webinar on the subject is coming up near the end of the month. Open to all but you need to register to get the entry code. These are live so can only be viewed on date and time stated and 10am Pacific Time = 6pm our time I believe.

https://cactusandsucculentsociety.org/2 ... t-judging/
Nottingham Branch BCSS. Joined the then NCSS in 1961, Membership number 11944. Cactus only collection.
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Re: Judging the American way!

Post by Tina »

Thanks Dave, should be interesting to see how they judge plants & classes.

varied collection of succulents and cacti but I especially like Euphorbia's, Ariocarpus and variegated agaves.

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Re: Judging the American way!

Post by Stuart »

I judged the American National Show years ago, when it was held at the LA Arboretum. The pot and top-dressing and odd rocks etc are all part of each entry, all part of 'staging'. The main emphasis is still on the plant though, it's like putting a picture in a smart frame, the plant and pot can be made into a work of art. It's also possible to have a draw - two plants placed equal in a class which seemed a bit odd. Another odd feature which is better than it sounds is that the plants winning cups etc are placed on a separate 'trophy table' It means that you can be looking at a class looking for the plant in first place when it has been taken off to be put on the trophy table. To encourage plants to be looking at their best, there is a rather nasty trophy for 'the best entry in a plastic pot'.

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Re: Judging the American way!

Post by DaveW »

One of the worst shows I was asked to judge was a local church one as our Branch had been asked to provide somebody who knew cacti & succulents and I drew the short straw. I gave the best plants in a class first second and third only to be told exhibitors could only win one prize per class and they were all entered by the same person! All the other entries were not in the same league as the ones I gave the first three to so it must have amazed visitors to the show to see the best plant get a first, but those inferior to the others getting second and third.

The sensible thing would have been to restrict the classes to single entries to avoid this. However I suppose the church had to try and keep in with all the parishioners by giving most an award! Evidently they did not expect all their rewards to be in heaven!
Nottingham Branch BCSS. Joined the then NCSS in 1961, Membership number 11944. Cactus only collection.
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Re: Judging the American way!

Post by DaveW »

If you missed it you can watch it on YouTube anytime.

Nottingham Branch BCSS. Joined the then NCSS in 1961, Membership number 11944. Cactus only collection.
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