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December 2016 - genus of the month - Massonia

January 2017 - Genus of the Month - Lepismium
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December 2016 - genus of the month - Massonia

Post by Phil_SK »

Phil Crewe, BCSS 38143. Mostly S. American cacti, esp. Lobivia, Sulcorebutia and little Opuntia
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Re: December 2016 - genus of the month - Massonia

Post by Aiko »

"Massonias are bulbous plants in the Asparagaceae (formerly Hyacinthaceae) family and as such are not eligible for BCSS shows."

Funny to read. I reckon shows are usually organised when the leaves of a Massonia haven't grow from the underground bulb yet or are already withering away. Well, maybe summer growing M. wittebergensis and M. saniensis are contenders.
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Re: December 2016 - genus of the month - Massonia

Post by Liz M »

I have two types of Massonia, the first I grew as Massonia pustulata, then on looking in the main forum, the thread is still going now, I discovered it is Massonia longipes. It is in bud but a few months off flowering, it will be a first for me.
Massonia longipes
Massonia longipes
This next one is Massonia jasminiflora, as it says on the label. I have only recently acquired it and it has not flowered yet.
Massonia jasminiflora
Massonia jasminiflora
Obsessive Crassulaceae lover, especially Aeoniums but also grow, Aloes, Agaves, Haworthias and a select number of Cacti.
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