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May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

January 2017 - Genus of the Month - Lepismium
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May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by Bill »

May's plant of the month is now up and its the enigmatic Astrophytum caput-medusae
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Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by Keith H »

That last picture of the seedlings is fantastic, I would never have imagined they would look like that.
Regards Keith.

BCSS # 50554
Terry S.

Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by Terry S. »

Paul tells us that this is a generally easy plant to grow. He should tell my (ex)specimens that! As far as cacti are concerned, this is one of my bête noirs and I have now decided to give up on it. I do not want to grow a grafted plant because they look so atypical; I want a plant on its own roots. I have tried raising from seed and also purchased seedlings of various sizes. I even kept one of them for 18 months and flowered it, but then like the rest it died. Mortality takes place during the warmer summer months and is usually the result of the tuber rotting. I use a 1:1 JI/grit mix and I wonder if this is one of those plants that really do better in a purely mineral mix, e.g. moler or pumice?
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Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by Paul D »

Terry S. wrote:Paul tells us that this is a generally easy plant to grow. He should tell my (ex)specimens that! As far as cacti are concerned, this is one of my bête noirs and I have now decided to give up on it. I do not want to grow a grafted plant because they look so atypical; I want a plant on its own roots. I have tried raising from seed and also purchased seedlings of various sizes. I even kept one of them for 18 months and flowered it, but then like the rest it died. Mortality takes place during the warmer summer months and is usually the result of the tuber rotting. I use a 1:1 JI/grit mix and I wonder if this is one of those plants that really do better in a purely mineral mix, e.g. moler or pumice?
I have had exactly the same problem, both from seed and seedlings. No problem up to flowering stage, then die. I use a mix with about 25% JI, the rest grit / cat litter / perlite.
Paul in North-east Scotland (Grampian Branch BCSS)
National Collection Rebutia, Aylostera & Weingartia (inc. Sulcorebutia). Also growing a mixture including Ferocactus, Gymnocalycium, Lobivia, Mammillaria, Lithops, Gasteria, Haworthia.
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Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by Ali Baba »

Mine grow easily enough in my usual mix (2 parts JI3, 2 grit, 1 cat litter). I'm generally a bit too stingy with the water with my cacti and find the caput medusae need extra water. The only ones I have killed were eaten by thrips. My oldest plants are 7 this year. I guess it just depends on your microclimate?

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Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by DaveW »

What happened to June "Genus of the Month", it's nearly July?
Nottingham Branch BCSS. Joined the then NCSS in 1961, Membership number 11944. Cactus only collection.
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Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by rodsmith »

DaveW wrote:What happened to June "Genus of the Month", it's nearly July?
Taking an early summer break :wink:
Rod Smith

Growing a mixed collection of cacti & other succulents; mainly smaller species with a current emphasis on lithops & conophytum.
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Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by Tony R »

DaveW wrote:What happened to June "Genus of the Month", it's nearly July?
You could have started the thread yourself, David, rather than relying on the usual suspects, ie moderators :wink:
I see the topic is one of your favourites - Anacampseros/Avonia :wink: Thanks.
Tony Roberts
Treasurer, Haworthia Society
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(Gasteria, Mammillaria, small Opuntia, Cleistocactus and Sempervivum are my current special interests)
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Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by DaveW »

Don't grow Bog Plants Tony, only Xerophytes.

I could have proposed it be "An attractive Haworthia" for June, but then it would get no entries. :grin:

How does one know in future who is to start it then since Plant of the Month is started by the previous winner, or is it a case of who gets in first starts it?
Nottingham Branch BCSS. Joined the then NCSS in 1961, Membership number 11944. Cactus only collection.
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Re: May 2017 - Genus of the Month - Astrophytum

Post by Tony R »

DaveW wrote:How does one know in future who is to start it then since Plant of the Month is started by the previous winner, or is it a case of who gets in first starts it?
I think you are thinking of the Monthly Photo Competition, Dave? :???:

The 'Plant of the Month' is the one from the website which is put on (by Bill Hildyard?) from material supplied by Sheila Cude, see list on RHS of page, http://www.society.bcss.org.uk/index.php/june-2017.html

Then, the 'Genus of the Month' on the Forum is taken from the genus of the chosen plant each month.
Tony Roberts
Treasurer, Haworthia Society
Chairman, Tephrocactus Study Group
Moderator, BCSS Forum
(Gasteria, Mammillaria, small Opuntia, Cleistocactus and Sempervivum are my current special interests)
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