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Succulent Prospects – 3 free films for a branch meeting

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 10:16 am
by Apicra
In Apr 2109, the UN published in Paris a Global Assessment of Biodiversity which warns of the likely extinction of thousands of species if human activity continues as in the past. Three South African educational films provide an opportunity for cactus & succulent growers to consider important issues threatening the future of their chosen plants. Thanks to Andy Hood at BCSS Birmingham Branch for finding & publicising these films via the BCSS Forum: viewtopic.php?f=52&t=167947.

Each short educational film includes cacti or succulents and raises issues about people & plants of direct concern to us as growers. The first features author and international speaker Ernst van Jaarsveld (previously from Kirstenbosch NBG) collecting succulents in the Richtersveld. The second features invasive Opuntias and their successful control in South Africa - could other succulents invade the UK in future? The third describes on-going difficulties with creating a new conservation reserve in the Knersvlakte, one of the richest places for succulents.

Nowadays it is sometimes difficult for BCSS branches to find or afford a speaker for every meeting. A PowerPoint presentation “Succulent Prospects” and supporting notes are available via email from me, derek_tribble and then type and can be used to facilitate the film screening. It is tailored for use at a typical c&s society evening meeting. It gives instructions for a local person to download the free films and can be customised further to suit the audience. Since the total run time is about 53 mins, there should be a short time to discuss each film afterwards. The supporting notes can be found here:
Succulent Prospects DIscussion Films.docx
Succulent Prospects Facilitators Notes
(1.95 MiB) Downloaded 334 times
Are there other similar free films/videos about c&s out there? It would be nice if there were enough to provide info-tainment at more meetings.

Best wishes,
Derek Tribble

Re: Succulent Prospects – 3 free films for a branch meeting

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:54 am
by Apicra
I see over 50 people have looked at my Facilitator's Notes, but I want to emphasise that I also have put together a PowerPoint presentation (too big a file to distribute via the Forum) which nobody has emailed me for yet. The Notes will be much more useful with the full presentation!

See also: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=168669

Best wishes,
Derek Tribble

Re: Succulent Prospects – 3 free films for a branch meeting

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:41 am
by TraceyM
This sounds very interesting and I have emailed for the powerpoint pack.
Thank you.

Re: Succulent Prospects – 3 free films for a branch meeting

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:04 pm
by Apicra
Hi Tracey,

I have not received your email ... maybe try sending me a message via this forum?

Best wishes,

Re: Succulent Prospects – 3 free films for a branch meeting

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:49 am
by TraceyM
Hi Derek
I sent an email and also a message via the forum. Hopefully you have received one of them.
Best wishes