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Alain Sutton - Sad news from Bromley Branch

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:30 pm
by HecticH
I am so sorry to have to tell you all that Alain Sutton, our Branch Treasurer, died suddenly and unexpectedly on Friday 6th November. Alain was a founder member of our Branch almost 40 years ago and was always a strong support to the Branch throughout all the years since then. He had a dry sense of humour and was extremely creative and enthusiastic about new ideas. He had a mixed collection, with some very nice cacti as well as succulents and he was particularly interested in Mesembs. He was enjoying spending more time on his plants, having sold his accountancy business in January this year and retired. Anticipating retirement, he had also taken on the role of Seed Distributor for the Mesem Study Group this year and had done this extremely well.
We shall all miss Alain very much and our sincere sympathies go to his wife Val and their children, Charlotte and Peter.

Re: Alain Sutton - Sad news from Bromley Branch

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:42 pm
by Tony R
See pinned post from last weekend: