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January 2022 - GOTM - Mammillaria (Cochemia)

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:20 pm
by esp
Let's see if there is any other comment to this month's POTM!

It's good to see Mammillaria mazatlanensis as POTM, I find it an attractive species.
My own plant at times may produce either straight or hooked centrals.

It recently spent a few years over-wintering in a cold frame, which it survived but didn't seem to enjoy.
I'm treating it better this winter and hoping to persuade it to grow and flowering with more enthusiasm this year.
I don't have any other Cochemia species, but is seems straightforward to grow, so a good starting point for the (sub)genus.

Re: January 2022 - GOTM - Mammillaria (Cochemia)

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:56 pm
by Phil_SK

Re: January 2022 - GOTM - Mammillaria (Cochemia)

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:24 pm
by Greenlarry
Is GOTM not going any more?

Re: January 2022 - GOTM - Mammillaria (Cochemia)

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:48 pm
by Phil_SK
Yes - in the sense that the Society has one every month on it'll be in one of the 'featured' tiles. However, I haven't, and nobody else has, started threads in this section each month. There's nothing to stop anybody doing so if they've anything to say about a genus. I can't say much about this month's topic, Marlothistella, though!

Re: January 2022 - GOTM - Mammillaria (Cochemia)

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:16 pm
by Greenlarry
Ah I didn't realise it was tied to the main site. I'm not a member so I just use the forum