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Hayley from Mint Plants in Bristol

New members, please take the time to introduce yourself and your collection.
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Hayley from Mint Plants in Bristol

Post by HayleyStephens »

Hi all, I'm Hayley from Bristol.

I run a little plant shop at 226 Stapleton Road, BS5 0NX. We started in 2018 selling all houseplants and quickly became obsessed with the weird and the wonderful, mainly supplied by Tony Irons.

Since then we have grown, and now ship all sorts of things to the whole of the UK via our website www.mintplants.co.uk. We have joined forces with Tony, clearing collections together. We have a good deal - Tony gets choice of the small plants, and we take the rest (mainly large things as I'm a sucker for a project!)

In the new year we decided to focus mainly on cacti and succulents, in order to give me back some life after being a little burnt out by the houseplant market. We are rescuing lots of plants from greenhouses up and down the UK, and have lots on offer.

If anyone is looking for anything in particular, I can keep my eye out, or if anyone has anything to sell, I'd love to hear it!

Thanks so much!

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Re: Hayley from Mint Plants in Bristol

Post by Diane »

Welcome Hayley! I hope your project is successful, and I will check out your website later!
Diane - member of Kingston branch

Growing cacti - balm to the soul!
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Re: Hayley from Mint Plants in Bristol

Post by el48tel »

Welcome to the forum
Endeavouring to grow Aylostera, Echinocereus, Echinopsis, Gymnocalycium, Matucana, Rebutia, and Sulcorebutia. Fallen out of love with Lithops and aggravated by Aeoniums.
Currently being wooed by Haworthia, attempting hybridisation, and enticed by Mesembs. Recently discovered gorgeous Gasteria.
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