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Migration of labels. Inexperienced labeller or vendor ..... etc etc
Endeavouring to grow Aylostera, Echinocereus, Echinopsis, Gymnocalycium, Matucana, Rebutia, and Sulcorebutia. Fallen out of love with Lithops and aggravated by Aeoniums.
Currently being wooed by Haworthia, attempting hybridisation, and enticed by Mesembs. Recently discovered gorgeous Gasteria.
When visiting a friend, I 'had' to immortalise this beautifully grown Aloe polyphylla - as I didn't have my camera with me, I used my mobile phone (Galaxy A12).
Back home I imported the photos into lightroom and reduced the contrast a bit.
Endeavouring to grow Aylostera, Echinocereus, Echinopsis, Gymnocalycium, Matucana, Rebutia, and Sulcorebutia. Fallen out of love with Lithops and aggravated by Aeoniums.
Currently being wooed by Haworthia, attempting hybridisation, and enticed by Mesembs. Recently discovered gorgeous Gasteria.
This little spot catches a bit more sun than where I grow my other plants and so I've packed it with seedlings!
In the photo I've tried to catch how their white spines and flowers especially get "spotlighted" and seem to glow in the morning sun.
These are mostly Rebutia/Aylostera seedlings. The flowers come from Rebutia miniscula (red/orange flowers), Rebutia/Aylostera flavistyla (dark orange flowers), Rebutia/Aylostera flavistyla BLMT 769.07 (yellow flowers) and Rebutia/Aylostera narvaecensis fa espinsae KK1518 (pink flowers).
The photo was taken using a Samsung S20+ phone. It was taken with the camera in Pro mode with the intention of post-processing. But actually all I've done to this image was to crop it and reduce the number of pixels.
Flower spike on my Gasteria doreeniae, taken today with my Huawei Mate 10 Pro. Some post processing in darkening the background, sharpening the image and increasing colour saturation.
Rod Smith
Growing a mixed collection of cacti & other succulents; mainly smaller species with a current emphasis on lithops & conophytum.