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MSG Event 2024, Banstead, Surrey, Sat 28th Sep

Post details of any upcoming events, meets or newsworthy stories about our hobby.
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Re: MSG Event 2024, Banstead, Surrey, Sat 28th Sep

Post by MatDz »

Oh, no need for apologies, I just thought it would be good to mention this here. It's purely my laziness of not checking the whole address.

The event was great, despite the low numbers you mentioned. It was wonderful talking to you and a few others, putting faces to some "internet" names I exchanged or purchased plants from and meeting a fellow Glaswegian, whose talk and photographs I especially enjoyed.

Edit: I am afraid I still find Lithops rather underwhelming, but Conophytums certainly gave a good display of flowers!




(And a honorary Mesemb, Bulbine tribblei with wonderfully smelling flowers!)
(Images from https://tinypng.com/, so quite brutally downsized.)
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Re: MSG Event 2024, Banstead, Surrey, Sat 28th Sep

Post by Apicra »

Hi Mat,

Thanks for your kind words and thanks for publicizing the new Bulbine. The seed of DT6281 now available on the BCSS seedlist, needs to be sown this autumn (as does the Tylecodon seed and other seeds from winter rainfall areas of South Africa). Also keep several of the Bulbines for yourself so that you can generate more seeed in future please.

Best wishes,
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