When you register on the Forum, your account requires to be approved by an admin before you will be able to post.
In order to try and keep the Forum a safe place for BCSS Members and other cacti and succulent enthusiasts of all ages, everyone who registers is checked. If you are a BCSS Member and include your membership number, this is easy, because we can just look you up in the database. If you are not a BCSS Member, then we rely on the data you provide. If we can't find any traces by a brief online search, your account will be placed "on hold" until you get in touch with us by email and ask for Forum account approval.

If you registered a while back and still haven't been approved, please drop an email to forum@bcss(etc) using the same email account you put in your Forum registration, giving your name, the Forum username you selected, and a sentence about your interest in cacti and succulents.

Purge of unused accounts

BCSS Forum Administrator
Posts: 121
Joined: 09 Apr 2019

Purge of unused accounts

Post by Admin »

I am cleaning up the Forum accounts in order to reduce the vast size the database has become, with a view to looking at moving to a better system. We have a huge number of accounts which have been signed up for in the last 15 years or so and not used, and I've written to all of these by email for confirmation that they are still current.

I've set up an email automation which emails Forum members after a year of not logging in, and reminds them to do so if they want to keep their account open. There are 3 reminders spaced a month apart, then if no response is received, the account is deactivated. It can be reactivated if the account holder then responds.

I will also be deactivating accounts which have the following conditions:

Those who joined more than 3 years ago, who have not logged in during the last 3 years and which have no posts ever.
Those who are not BCSS Members and have incorrect credentials such as email address not found; fictional address or other details. (I'll correct any mistakes I find in BCSS Members' Forum accounts).

Then if I haven't heard anything after a suitable period of time, these accounts (but not posts) will be removed.

While going through the accounts I will check BCSS Membership status of those claiming to be BCSS Members and who are part of the BCSS Members Group. Those who are not, or whose subscription has lapsed, will be removed from the BCSS Members Group.

Going forward, in common with many other forums on the web, I will ask that new Forum members make at least one post to the Forum within a month after joining in order to help combat against the bots.