Echinopsis Spring Blush update

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Echinopsis Spring Blush update

Post by el48tel »

Echinopsis Spring Blush. Inappropriately named because it's summer time. This plant set two flowers. They sent out stigma through the closed buds. Then stopped with stigma looking like tongues pushed through closed mouths for days. One bud died. The other suddenly opened late last night. I had to devise a lighting jig for cellphone from various components to light it up.
I thought I'd check its progress this morning. Normally the hybrids will last upto 24h in flower, but the weird behaviour it exhibited made me think it would be shortlived. Its tone is lighter and the hue is less rich.

Just before posting this I checked again. The bloom is definitely in decline.
Endeavouring to grow Aylostera, Echinocereus, Echinopsis, Gymnocalycium, Matucana, Rebutia, and Sulcorebutia. Fallen out of love with Lithops and aggravated by Aeoniums.
Currently being wooed by Haworthia, attempting hybridisation, and enticed by Mesembs. Recently discovered gorgeous Gasteria.
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